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Complete Salvation! Can It Be??

“Once saved, always saved!” - Is this a biblical concept?  Can someone who has genuinely believed in the Lord Jesus Christ ever be cast away or condemned? Is it possible to lose your first love?

Jesus seems to make it abundantly clear that those who “come to him” in faith, He “will in no wise [on no account] cast out” (John 6:37). In addition, our Lord gave the most forceful assurances of faith in Him resulting in complete freedom from condemnation because He has caused us to pass from death unto life (John 5:24). In fact, we have become secure in the hand of Jesus and the Father without any possibility of removal (John 10:28-29). The purpose for which Christ came in love and died in our place was to offer eternal life [not temporal life] to anyone that would believe (John 3:14-16). The right of sonship or that of becoming a child of God rests in the Son of God by receiving Him in faith (John 1:12). Salvation is not by our authority or might, but through the name of Jesus and by His substitutionary work on the cross. Inherent in salvation is security, or there would be no hope, joy, peace, or life that Christ promised in the clearest of terms!

So from the very mouth of our Savior there is overwhelming and undeniable Scriptural evidence that salvation is forever, based upon a salvation that is wholly sufficient and with a Savior that has made promises that bind Him to no reversals. He is able to save and willing to do so eternally for all who believe in Him.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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