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Finding a Good Thing

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor of the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22). This, obviously, does not mean that just any woman that a man finds to marry is beneficial and an asset from God. Waiting on the Lord and seeking a “prudent wife” from His hand with a proven godly character will bring honor to a man (Proverbs 19:14b; 12:4a).  God’s timing to bring into the life of a single man a “wise woman” that will build her house(hold), thus making it a pleasing and profitable environment for all in it and all who enter it will be well worth the wait (Proverbs 14:1). Proceed with caution, gentlemen, in carefully examining the character of any woman that would become your wife before entering into holy matrimony lest you join with a contentious and angry woman (Proverbs 21:19; 27:15b). Do not fall into the trap, of thinking, that over time things will change for the better, but rather assume that things will digress to your demise in separation and insanity in good time [the continual dripping will drive you crazy and keep you away from home, or at least from enjoying it] (Proverbs 19:13). It is time well spent to seek the Lord’s clear direction to provide a woman that will match up with your need and make your life better. The Word gives fair warning against looking on the outward appearance, and lusting after a woman’s beauty in your heart while ignoring the more important inner beauty that lasts and brings true beauty to the relationship (Proverbs 11:22; 31:30). There is a virtuous woman that will crown her husband with honor and become a treasure (Proverbs 31:10), and a wife with which you can rejoice (Proverbs 5:18) throughout life and life’s changes. A loving, loyal, and trustworthy woman is a gem that will never become a liability but offer a handsome return (Proverbs 31:11). Furthermore, a woman of excellent qualities, such as, industriousness (Proverbs 31:18-19, 21-22), generosity (Proverbs 11:20), scrupulousness and gentleness (Proverbs 31:26) goes a long way to producing God’s best for a lifetime relationship. A wife, the right type of woman, God’s kind of woman, will provide a man with rich and durable blessings!  
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